Monday, October 19, 2020

WFRA virtual fell race

Race: WFRA virtual fell race, Moel Famau from Collie (7m/500m)
Time/Position: 1.00.30 (4th from 45 [1st V50])
A virtual fell race is obviously even harder to get parity on than the numerous virtual road races I've tried this year. The rules for this were, essentially, 7 miles with 500 metres of climbing, and less than a mile of tarmac. This is about the same - statistically - as our classic Friday route up Moel Famau from the Collie, which I've been doing for many years. I opted to do the 'reverse' version, which is much steeper (and less runnable) on the climb but perhaps a tad quicker with a long grassy descent. I felt quite good, and descended well to get inside the hour for the classic route from the pub (many years ago breaking the hour was seen as a major challenge and a few of us managed to get under it - I think my all time PB is just under 58m). I tried to get it to 7 miles on the tarmac but my watch recorded 6.91 miles. My time was the quickest overall but I was penalised two minutes for being 0.09 miles short and relegated to 4th!)


Unknown said...

2 mins penalty is a bit harsh !!

Unknown said...

Dave B