Sunday, February 27, 2022

Deeside 4.5

Race: Deeside 4.5m (Border League race 4)
Time/Position: 25.32 (46th from 263 [1st V50])
Still struggling to get anywhere near the finishing positions I used to get in the league, although I've long since concluded this is only partly due to age! It has genuinely become more competitive. I felt I ran reasonably well today, slow on the long hill out of Kelsterton (much slower than I have managed in the past) but much quicker on the descent where I made up a handful of places and kept the pace going reasonably well to the finish on the track. Time compares reasonably well to previous years, although I went a lot faster in 2014 (possibly a shorter course). First V50 and leading the category in the league at present: three races remain, however!

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