Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Wirral MT Series, Royden Park

Race: Wirral Multi-Terrain Series (Race 1: Royden Park 5m)
Time/Position: 31.22 (28th from 243)
Last time I did this race, in 2015, I had the Ben Nevis race descent in my legs and still remember a monstrous case of the DOMS as I hobbled round. No such excuses tonight, yet I was still two minutes slower! Still, I felt better than I have recently and did feel a tiny bit of speed returning at times. A huge field set off for a lap round the first field, so it was very crowded for the long lap which takes some narrow paths through the woods to gain the edge of the sandstone escarpment with views over the Dee to north Wales. Quite frustrating at times, especially on the rocky, sandy descent from the trigpoint on the miniature hill that marks the end of the climb. I made up some ground on the second lap but it was all a bit too late, with me a bit too slow, and struggling with the pace towards the end. Still, it feels really good to be back racing again, even if there is a lot of work to do. With luck, I'll be able to do three of this always excellent series this September.

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