Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Helvellyn north circuit

Peaks: Helvellyn, White Side, Raise, Sheffield Pike
Area: Helvellyn, Lake District
We had vague plans to revisit the Grisedale horseshoe fell race route as we set off from our parking on the shores of Ullswater. A pleasant night in Ambleside (back at the YHA I stayed in last month), meeting up with Vic for the first time since March. We took the obvious bridleway north of the Ullswater valley up to the mines, then joined the main path up towards Red Tarn. This is a bit of a slog, and the cloudbase was right down. The wind was light down here, however, and we made rapid progress up to Swirral Edge (taken by the race route). This gives a short and mild scramble, enjoyable even in the damp and cold mist, straight up to the summit of Helvellyn. Given the wind direction, we decided to reverse our plans and instead head north - a route I hadn't taken since 1988 with the university hiking club! After a small nav error - heading towards Grasmere - we adjusted and came out on top of Lower Man, then made rapid progress on the comfortable terrain which leads over White Side to Raise and, eventually, Sticks Pass. This is a major watershed and gives a superb descent east towards Ullswater. At the boggy col, we went our separate ways. Vic back to the car, me on the squelchy ridge (pure bog) leading to the top of Sheffield Pike. This was a new summit for me, and a nice one - with good views down to Ullswater. It was out of the mist, so I finally got a view. The descent is complex and very boggy, leading through Glencoyne wood on a tiny, obscure path (especially by Lakes standards) which popped out right next to Vic and the car! A pleasant microbreak, much like the last one in November.

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