Sunday, February 26, 2023

Pico Grande

Peaks: Pico Grande (1654m)
Area: Madeira
This was the mountain I most wanted to do on Madeira, a fine peak that occupies a very central position west of Saturday's high peaks. After an early breakfast, a complicated and very steep drive led straight up through several villages to the Boca da Corrida. Warm sunshine and wonderful views immediately, with the hidden Nun's Valley way down below and Pico Ruivo across the valley. Ahead, Pico Grande dominates, however, with its very distinctive summit tower. It proved far easier than I had expected, and I adopted a loping jog along the superb path leading to Encumeada. Two major obstacles block the path, the peaks of Pico do Cavalo and Pico de Serradinho, but the path weaves between them, contouring above the Nun's Valley at one point, then ducking through the gap: never too arduous however, and often almost level. At the Relvinha col, a major junction, so I took the eastwards path briefly before a more minor path climbed the hillside. It seemed fairly obvious that this would lead up Pico Grande, and it contours the hillside, fairly exposed, before curving back to the north-west. Thoroughly enjoyable throughout, and quite a distinctive landscape, quite different from Saturday. Open heathland with peaks emerging from an undulating plateau. The summit tower loomed ahead with some mist playing around. A sloping traverse right, then an easy scramble (chains) to a volcanic sandstone summit. A complete contrast to Saturday, I had the entire mountain to myself. I could just see down to Funchal as the mist parted. The return leg went equally smoothly and I was back at the car after 1:37 of effort (less than an hour for the climb to the summit). Back at a sunny hotel by 11am, leaving plenty of time left for a wonderful day exploring Funchal and Monte.

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