Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Foel Lus

Race: Foel Lus (5.2k/340m)
Time/Position: 30.02 (25th from 110 [2nd V50])
Dreadful conditions for this evening race, part of the North Wales championships this year. I was around three minutes down on last year's time, and even more on my 2017 course PB. Still, the weather made this memorable and gave a good excuse to take it easy, with tomorrow's Spring 5 in prospect. Capelulo is sheltered, of course, so it was deceptively calm at the start - although also extremely wet, with torrential rain sweeping across the tight valley. Emerging from the zigzags, the wind hit, making life difficult for the double climb up to the summit. This race is all in the descent, however, so the full-on headwind on the initial descent made even downward progress difficult. It turned to a tailwind for the first section of the jubilee walk, although the path was very wet. I got the shortcut that I infuriatingly missed last year - it provides a big advantage, and limited the damage to an extent. Completely soaked to the skin my the finish, after which it was into the river, as usual, minimising muscle damage with tomorrow in mind (although I didn't stop shivering until the Albion).

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