Monday, June 04, 2012

Beinn Sgritheall

Peaks: Beinn Sgritheall (974)
Area: Glenelg, Lochalsh
After rockpooling on the shores of Loch Hourn yesterday, it was an easy decision to drive back to magical Arnisdale for a family ascent of this distinctive and notoriously steep peak. I doubted whether we would all make the top, but thought the bealach would make a satisfactory viewpoint while I ran up the main peak and later took the keener E up the smaller Corbett. The weather was perfect again as we set off from this most tranquil of hamlets to weave up towards the very steep spur that leads up the bealach. Loch Hourn twinkling below: the views opening out over Knoydart, allowing me to relive my memorable trip there back in 1998, based around Sourlies bothy. The children did not enjoy the steep ascent, but it levels off half-way up to a contouring path that leads into a perfect little hidden gorge. A perfect family lunch/play spot, so I continued upwards giving myself an hour to get back. Steep striding led to boggier ground near the pass, then even steeper scree slopes - unrelenting - to the lower subsidiary summit. Superb running along the easy ridge, with fabulous views of sea, loch and mountain down to Loch Hourn, over to Ladhar Bheinn, Sgurr na Ciche and the rest of Knoydart, and down to the mysterious northern corries of Sgritheall. Surely one of the best views in Scotland, which gets even better from the true summit: with the Cuillin, Rum, Eigg and Torridon dominant. Sadly, I had to tear myself away and pelted down the screes, tearing my innov-8s to shreds in the process. Steep running down the turfy sections led back to the gorge and a quick lunch before we all walked down the slopes to Arnisdale and a memorable coffee break at the eccentric Tea Shack in Corran. The views over Knoydart, and back up to Sgritheall, were even better from Corran as all the cloud gradually melted away.

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