Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Deeside Border League

Race: Deeside 5.5m (Border League race 7)
Time/Position: 31.31 ("8th" from 250)
Another one for the ever-expanding book of strange race incidents. This time, the climax of the border league season was unfortunately spoiled by what may have been a marshalling or signposting error. I'd missed the sixth race, and it remained quite tight in the category. As luck would have it, I felt good from the start and was really enjoying it: picking up places and feeling better than I have for some time. Then, during the second lap, I started to realise something was wrong: in that we shouldn't have been doing a second lap. We carried on anyway, and started to lap slower runners. Cue chaotic scenes as a marshall tried to make us do a third lap! Some of us knew where the finish was, so headed for it, only to find that the second group on the road had done the third lap. Confusion reigned: a shame, as this was the last race of the season and there was still a bit to play for.

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