Sunday, August 11, 2024

Malpas 100m loop

It must be at least nine years since my last 'imperial century' ride, but as this was always intended to be one of my intermittent 'cycling years' I didn't want to end it without at least one 100 miler. That said, aware of that time gap since the last one and my general lack of cycling prowess, I knew it had to be flat. And there was another concept at play today - I wanted to do a form of time trial for the first 50k, and keep this going to a lesser extent until 50 miles had been done (and then just keep going at a slower pace). It all worked perfectly and ideal conditions helped too. I left home before 7am for the familiar start to Saltney Ferry and then on to the westbound cycle path to Shotton. Then all the way through Blacon to the end of the cycle path in Guilden Sutton before starting south through Waverton to Aldford and then Farndon, where I notched up the 50k in 1.55. I was desperate for a wee, so lost time doing that before heading up the surprisingly lengthy climb to Malpas, the far-end of the planned route. Back down the hill to Bangor, where (after notching up 50 miles in a little over 3 hours) I finally stopped properly for cheese sarnies and a drink at the co-op. Nice riding through to Holt, although I didn't stop at this traditional cycling crossroads, instead heading for home via Rossett and the climb to Shordley. Having no wish to fully extend the route into the hills, I then cycled into Westminster Park for a pastry, and back onto the cycle path from Sealand Road. Another loop, all the way round to Blacon and then Saltney Ferry before finally notching up the imperial century in 6.30 with some extra bits along familiar home roads.

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