Saturday, August 17, 2024

Rhydycroesau fell race

Race: Rhydycroesau fell race (5.5m/800ft)
Time/Position: 38.11 (6th from 37)
Surprisingly perhaps, I have stuck to the ethos of the 'fallow year', this being my first race since the start of July. As such, I was quite pleased to feel reasonably good (although completely lacking any speed) for this runnable event, more of a trail race than a fell race. I did the previous incarnation of the Rhydycroesau race many years ago - from memory it was similar in style but went up the opposite side of the valley. This new version leaves the delightful village show and heads up little lanes to a track passing the England-Wales border stone. Above this is the highpoint of the race above the Pen y Gwely reservoir. Then after a little loop it rejoins the ascent for a fast descent back to the show. K and E had joined me, so we walked to Cefn Canol for a warm down.

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