Friday, August 09, 2024

Tremadog climbing

Routes: Scratch (VS 4b.4c:sec), Great Western/The Quakermen/Peutery combination (HVS 5a, 4a:sec)
Crag: Craig Pant Ifan, Tremadog
When it comes to climbing, I am not so much rusty as entirely corroded, having done hardly any since Covid. So I was inevitably a passenger today, although it was still an enjoyable outing with Peter and Vic. We started off with the standard VS of Scratch, nicely delicate on the first pitch (which I have led before), then a contrastingly steep and awkward crack, which i followed Peter up. After abbing down for lunch, we did a combination of three routes further left. I may well have done this combo before too: I've certainly done Great Western before. I followed Vic up this - a muddy groove leads to twin cracks. I found these very awkward indeed, particularly as it was a bit damp. Then an easing before another hard and steep corner leads to a stance on Poor Man's Peuterey, which I have done at least twice. It was quite breezy for the wonderful step right on to the arete, aided by huge holds, and then the delightful easy slab to the top. Felt weak and unconfident throughout, inevitable really, and there was no chance of me leading anything. But it was a nice day, and we finished with a pint at the excellent Pengwern in Ffestiniog.

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