Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ben Stack

Peak: Ben Stack (721m/2365ft)
Area: Reay, Sutherland

We could see this peak from our bedroom window, and it therefore became an essential addition to the holiday. It seemed obvious from the map that it would work as a very short rest day jog, although I didn't know anything about the routes up it. A great excuse to head even further north, though, into the wonderful scenery of Reay around Loch Laxford. In contrast to previous days, the cloudbase was quite low, covering Foinaven and Arkle, but just about revealing Ben Stack as a surprisingly impressive pyramidal peak as we rounded Laxford. The Cnicht of Scotland, I'd say! The children decided not to walk up to Loch na Seilge from Loch Stack, so I just guessed the route and ran up the hill as fast as I could, although yesterday's outing was still in my legs. Quick running leads to Loch na Seilge, before a boggy path over a plateau gains the steepish NW ridge, which made my Cnicht comparison even more persuasively. The path weaves through several rocky outcrops to gain a nice little grass ridge on the summit in 35 mins from the car. Some light mist playing around, but I did get views over Foinaven (which also looked great from our cottage and demands a return visit), Quinag, Loch Stack and Loch Laxford from a little lower down. Wild, largely uninhabited country. Jogged back to the car, wrenching my achilles again, in 25 mins, to make a pleasing sub-hour trip. A memorable trip to Handa Island in the afternoon made for another splendid day.

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