Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tryfan East Face/Bristly Ridge

Unusually hot and humid for some time now, and this morning in Ogwen was no exception. You could see the moisture in the air - a barely perceptible sheen to the light with the sun already baking at 9am. I made something of a speed attempt on my tried and tested 'quickest way up' Tryfan, although my legs felt heavy, the after-effects of the Llangollen Round. I made decent progress up to the Terrace, but then slowed for the route across to Little Gully. I was slow on the scramble itself, which was surprisingly damp. Touched Adam and Eve 46.09 from the A5. Slow down the south ridge, then a tiring ascent of Bristly, definitely affected by Sunday's outing. Unusually hot and humid throughout - and it got even hotter as I descended to Bwlch Caseg Fraith. Good running down the cwm, pouring water over my head from the stream. Less than 1.50 for the round.

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