Thursday, May 16, 2024

Ben Challum

Peaks: Ben Challum (1025)
Area: Tyndrum, Scotland
I have gradually ticked off most of the notable mountains in the Southern Highlands by now, almost always 'en route' to more favoured areas further north-west. My last trip was less than a fortnight ago, and it was then that I noticed Ben Challum for the first time really - a bit of a lump when seen from the west but an obvious objective to kick off this latest test for the 'new' van. The usual routine - 6am start from home, breakfast in Lancaster, lunch at Firkin Point, then setting off from Kirkton in rapidly improving early afternoon weather (it had been cloudy with drizzle all the way up). The usual bafflement as I passed multiple groups of young foreigners walking the West Highland Way (I always want to tell them to do Offa's Dyke instead, rather than just follow a road for several days). The route up Challum breaks off from the WHW earlier than I had realised, at the old cemetery, but I overshot leading to an annoying slog, wasted energy, to get to the level crossing and start the real slog up the boggy western slopes of the hill. This is admittedly a bit of a dull slog, but it soon reaches a broad plateau and then things improve as Ben Challum coalesces into a nice looking peak. To the south, great views over the southern triptych of Ben More, Stob Binnian and Cruach Ardrain. It gets drier underfoot too, and a steeper final climb leads to the south summit, and then a delightful ridge connecting to the main summit. Here, my 5.10 approach shoes fell apart after years of service, the sole detached almost completely. I fashioned a temporary fix on the summit and then enjoyed the views and the prospect of a longer trip further north to come. The peak drops away impressively north and west, especially down to deep Gleann a'Chlachain and the Allt Challum north to broad Glen Lochay. Views were good but a little hazy, again it became much clearer as I descended, the sky turning to deep blue. The shoes held out with laces tied around the bottom, but I chucked them before my fish chowder, chips and soda bread in the Real Food Cafe and another peaceful van night in Dalrigh.

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