Thursday, May 02, 2024

Ben Vane-Ben Vorlich

Peaks: Ben Vane (915), Ben Vorlich (943)
Area: Arrochar Alps, Scotland
A steep double-header with well over 1800m of climbing. I wouldn't normally do a biggish day like this immediately after driving up, but I only had 48 hours in the Southern Highlands, a brief test for my still unconverted van! An early start, but an efficient drive saw me parking at Inveruglas before 1pm. So it was perfectly feasible to combine these two and still have time for tea at the Real Food cafe. A roadside jog along Lomondside led to the tarmac road up to Loch Sloy. This part of the Arrochar Alps is a little spoiled by the access road to the reservoir and numerous power cables. However, Ben Vane is pretty impressive from the approach road, as it A'Chrois across the valley. The road makes for quick progress and then it is on to the stepped climb up the obvious south-east ridge. This was initially delightful in perfect weather, weaving round, passing little crags, the views opening out. Higher up though the wind became quite strong and there are a lot of false summits on this hill. So many that it became quite tedious and time consuming at the top. Once there, great views over this mini range, back to the Cobbler and Ben Narnain, both of which I did two years ago. Ahead, Ben Lomond and most of Loch Lomond. And to the north, the familiar hills around Tyndrum. The descent was easy and enjoyable, and then I took a traverse line, perhaps some kind of ancient path, which cut the corner below Loch Sloy to nasty tussocks. After a drink from the stream, I located the Vorlich path and started up this, conscious I had already done 1000m of climbing. As such, I was pleased to feel good and actually found Vorlich a bit easier, as the steepness relents halfway to a traverse before an interesting broad ridge through little crags (typical of this micro-region) leads to the trig - although the true summit is a little way beyond this. Windy but bracing views across the Southern Highlands, the quality of light improving as the sun dropped a little. A quick descent, jogged in places, back to the tarmac and long gentle descent back to Inveruglas and a cleansing bath in Loch Lomond. Less than 4 hours for the 20k/1850m route, so not too slow. I refuelled in Tyndrum and slept in the little Dalrigh carpark - perfect.

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