Monday, July 08, 2024

Roche Sanadoire

Peaks: Roche Sanadoire (1286m)
Area: Massif Central/Auvergne, France
After a baguette lunch of the ultra-local St Nectaire cheese in Orcival, I rounded the corner to find the dramatic peaks of Roche Sanadoire and Tuiliere. This was a genuine surprise, as Sanadoire in particular looks like an Alpine spire from some angles. As I reached the Col de Guery, I spied a tiny path up this western side and it occured to me it would make a very quick outing from the col. It did indeed: a short descent to a lower col, and then I made my way up steep slopes to a precipitous path which cut through bands of limestone to the small summit. Steep but nowhere near as hard as the peak actually looks. Superb views of the beautiful valley below, and across to the rest of the range. I then spent the evening gazing at the famous view of these two spires from the Col de Guery viewpoint, wonderfully relaxing.

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