Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bryn Alyn Orienteering

Race: Bryn Alyn Orienteering (Light Green, 3k+)
Time/Position: 39.41 (2nd from 9)
A second attempt at short-course orienteering, after my initial humiliating baptism at Erddig. I thought the open hill nature of this course, along with the fact that I know the area well (indeed I was racing across exactly the same ground last night!) might help me, but again I found it hard to adapt to the large scale and sheer level of detail on the map. It started off OK, with the first few checkpoints fairly easy to locate on the open hill east of Bryn Alyn, then a tricky one in a copse was followed by a long uphill leg which I managed quite easily. I was going well at this point, then became over-confident for the next long leg, which seemed straightforward but took a while to find (hidden under a crag). The next two proved tough, as I misjudged the scale of the map and went too far away for CP 7, then did the same for the 8th CP hidden below a crag. I concentrated for the final four on a long run-in, and finally adapted to the scale for a reasonably quick and efficient finale.

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