Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Wirral MT Series, Royden Park

Race: Wirral MT Series (Royden Park)
Time/Position: 30.28 (19th from 359 [2nd V50])
Probably the hardest and most varied of the four Wirral multi-terrain fixtures - I missed this last year but did the other three. I ran 50 seconds quicker than this in 2015, with terrible DOMS following the Ben Nevis race. I do wonder whether it was a tad shorter then, without the first tiny field perhaps, as I went off pretty hard on the first lap (which heads up to the awkward little sandstone ridge above Thurstaston, lots of rocky steps, then drops down to a flat sprint through the woods). Started to blow on the second lap, admittedly, but perked up in the woods and finished three seconds behind the first V50, couldn't quite catch him.

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