Saturday, May 31, 2014

Crianlarich peaks

Peaks: Ben More (1174m), Stob Binnein (1165m)
Area: Crianlarich, Southern Highlands
Possibly the most sustained continuous climb in the British Isles? This was an ideal short but intense work-out to break our journey home, as the 1000m+ vertical interval begins from the road in Glen Dochart and ends on the summit of Ben More. It is absolutely relentless and not really runnable (for me, anyway). However, I went flat out and managed to skirt the rocky hollow of Sloc Curraidh and gain the summit cairn in less than an hour (58:50). A crystal clear morning had sadly given way to cloudy conditions, but I had hazy views throughout. I passed dozens of early starters on Ben More so had the continuation ridge to myself. This gave excellent running down to the pronounced Bealach Eadar da-Bheinn. A large snowfield lent definition to Stob Binnein's ridge: indeed, this peak is well defined, graceful and more aesthetically pleasing than its slightly higher twin (although as a result of their height both are very prominent landmarks throughout this part of the Highlands). I thoroughly enjoyed the ascent of Stob Binnein - which I managed in 10 minutes from the col. Flat out running back to the col, then the contouring path which gave superb level running with views of the Bridge of Orchy hills until plunging steeply down to pick up a good path in Glen More. Back to car, sweaty (2:14 road to road), to continue the drive back to Wales. Total climbing for the week (Sat-Sat) was over 7500m/25000ft.

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